Tag Archives: food

Journal Entry #10

What area in your life requires the strongest guardrails?

I think that the area of “food” requires the most guardrails in my life. Food has always been a temptation that made me become fatter, and fatter, and fatter…

Food, by itself, is a good thing. Food keeps us alive, and food is also enjoyable according to our tastes. However, I keep telling myself this whenever I see good food: “Oh, it’s just another (food), it doesn’t matter if I eat one more (food). I won’t become that much fatter. But think of how happy I’ll be! Oh this (food) tastes so good, so I should take one more!” Through the years, this temptation and lack of guardrails has led me to becoming quite overweight, and may create some health problems like diabetes when I grow up.

At the present (September 2013), I am very overweight in comparison to my country (Hong Kong)’s average. I feel like I need to establish many guardrails against the amount of consumption I should eat, but it isn’t easy. Every time after I eat, I go: “Maybe I shouldn’t have eaten that much. Oh, I’ll be able to eat less next time. It’s okay.” As a matter of fact, it’s not okay. I keep eating and eating, and gaining more weight in the process. I should have established guardrails before I know what will happen, because I know the end result. I especially chide myself when I get stomachaches from eating too much (actually happens quite often, at least once per 1-2 weeks). After the chiding, I eat as much the next day.

I think that I should establish more guardrails before the real problems start to occur, and that I should pray to God for the strength to resist such temptation. Guardrails are an important part of my life that I need to create before it’s too late.

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