Journal Entry #13

My Camp Experience…

I went to the ICS high school camp on Tuesday to Thursday (Oct 8-10), and this is my experience.

Being a lover of classical music and a disliker of pop, I didn’t really like worship much. Worship was way too loud and out of my tolerance boundaries, so I just sat in the back for worship. I can tolerate quiet and soothing pop style worship music, but all the screaming and loud guitars annoyed me. However, we went bowling on the second day of camp, which lifted my spirits up. Bowling with my tribe was fun, because I got to bowl with different people rather than the usual group of close friends. Please note that I am organizing this into alternating good and bad thoughts about camp. A bad experience/complain would be that the students got no say about rooms. Before, in middle school camp, we were allowed to choose 2 people we wanted in our rooms, and the teachers tried to fulfill our wishes. In high school camp, though, we were just given rooms with people we aren’t really good friends with, and these rooms never end up being optimal, creating an awkward and obstructed environment. On the good side, water games and house sports were fun and kept us active, filling hours with team spirit and endless fun. However, a problem with water games was the point system. We used cheerios strung around our necks, and if some people strung it tight or had lucky cheerios, even 100 water balloons couldn’t hit them off. I want to end with a good note, so allow me to introduce the zombie apocalypse. Replacing senior hunt, zombie apocalypse was a scary game where everyone except for Joey and Louise started as humans and were quickly infected by being tagged. I had perfect camouflage with a dark umbrella and water gun, but I started getting cramps after crouching safely in my hiding spot for 30 minutes. Though the game could’ve been shorter to make surviving easier, it was one of the best games at camp.

Overall, I would call camp a fun experience, and would look forward to camp next year.

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